= Configure the background = Place the image you want to be a background in the theme directory and edit the theme.xml file to point to it. Or you can name the file BG_Frame.jpg and overwrite the existing file in the theme directory. = Added chassis, motors, scales, makes, etc. to the edit racers page popup menu's = For the chassis, motor, scale and class popup menus edit the raceparts.xml file in the application directory For the make and model popup menus use the Edit Make/Model button on the Config. page. = Change sound effects = Most of the sound effects are now driven by the built in text to speech engine for Windows or Mac OS X. Two sound effects defined in the theme.xml file located in the main program directory are still used. The entry S_Countdown0 should point the name of the wav file for the start race sound effect. The entry S_CarLapBeep should point to the sound effect for the wav file played when a new lap is detected. The files need to be stored in the theme directory. = Change the report logo = On the Config. page of the application select a different club logo image. = Change the report appearance = You can change any part of the look of the generated reports. The reports are generated using an XML file containing the data and an XSL file that defines how the data is displayed. If you edit the XSL file race.xsl in the reports directory you can modify the appearance. This file will be applied to any new reports you generate. Existing reports will not be changed until you regenerate them. = Change the logo on the Main and Race Config. application screens = To change the log on the main and race settings screens you must create both a image and an image mask and place them in the theme directory. The mask defines the transparency of the image. Edit the theme.xml mainlogo and mainlogomask entries to point to your new images. = Change the color of the text used for racers on the Select Racer, Race and Statistics screens = To change the color of the text used for racers on the Select Racer, Race and Statistics screens all you need to do is go to the select racers screen and click the text with your mouse. A window should pop up allowing you to change the color of text on the screen. = Upgrade to the latest version = If you want to upgrade your version to the latest version download the latest version and minimally copy your FlipSideDB file and the preferences.xml file. If you have modified any of the other xml files manually you will want to copy those and any graphics that you changed to the new version of the software. = Rename a race, modify or view data in some manner that I can not find an option for = The race data is all stored in an SQLite database. With a SQLite editor you can modify any records in the database or export any of the data. The tool SQLite Database Browser is know to work with the FlipSideDB database file. You can download it from here: [http://sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net/ SQL Database Browser] There are also other common tools to work with SQLite files in Excel or other programs. = Change the speech language in the program = To change the speech in the software you need to modify the language.xml file. Modify it using a text editor and change any of the entries between the tags. If you are translating the speech to a different language you will need to change the text to speech settings for your Operating System (Windows or Mac). Two translations are included with the software located in the translation folder, German and French. You need to copy one of these files over the language.xml file to change the speech to that language. Also if you are running Windows you need to add German or French text to speech capabilities by downloading the Microsoft Reader product and the language for it. [http://www.microsoft.com/reader/downloads/pc.aspx Microsoft Reader] [http://www.microsoft.com/reader/developers/downloads/tts.aspx Microsoft Reader Text To Speech Languages] = Change the voice for speech = This application uses the built in text to speech capabilities of Windows and Mac OSX. The built in voice in Windows XP, Microsoft Sam, is not very good. You can download the free Microsoft Mary and Microsoft Mike voices here: [http://www.imptec.com/SpeechXP.exe Microsoft free voices] Or for Windows you can find various 3rd party voices from the following companies: [http://www.microsoft.com/speech/evaluation/thirdparty/engines.mspx Third party voices for Windows] We have been using a voice from AT&T and have been pleased with the results. = Use generic tags with the Kyosho IC lap counter = To use generic RFID tags with the Kyosho IC lap counter the must be initialized. Download the latest version of the Kyosho RFID tag initialization using the links on the front page. Do not initialize Kyosho tags, doing this will cause them to no longer work with Kyosho's software.