= RFID Reader = This software supports the TI S6350 module for use as a RFID reader. The Core Speedway lap counter uses this module. Standard 13.56MHz ISO15693 tags should work. Documentation on the TI S6350 module along with a Windows example program can be downloaded from TI's site here: [http://www.ti.com/rfid/shtml/prod-readers-RI-STU-TRDC.shtml TI S6350 site] = ISO 15693 Protocol = [wiki:ISO15693] = Software implementation = In order to use the TI reader within RealBasic we had to implement some of the serial protocol ourselves. In order to use the TI Reader with the ISO15693 protocol you must first generate a command encapsulated in the TI protocol and have the payload of the command be the ISO15693 command. Only 3 of the commands are necessary, Inventory All Slots, Inventory 1 Slot and Silence. = RFID Tags = The following tag can be used with the TI S6350 module: [http://focus.ti.com/docs/prod/folders/print/ri-i02-112a-03.html TI HF large rectangle transponder] It can be purchased from Mousere here: [http://www.mouser.com/Search/Refine.aspx?Keyword=RI-I02-112A-03&Ns=P_SField TI tag from Mouser] Other standard tags should work.