8.12. Relay Board

The software has the ability to use DLP Designs DLP-IOR4 USB relay board for controlling a stop/start light tree. This board is capable of handling up to 60W light bulbs. The relay board itself does not have any lights, it is your responsibility to build and wire the light tree.

The application will control the relay board, during the starting race countdown the relay board can will have Relay 4 active until 2 seconds left in the countdown, at 2 seconds it will switch Relay 4 off and Relay 3 on, at 1 second it will switch Relay 3 off and Relay 2 on and finally at the start of the race it will switch Relay 2 off and Relay 1 on. When the race time limit or lap limit is reached race Relay 1 will turn off and Relay 2 will turn on. When everyone has finished their final laps or timed out Relay 2 will turn off and Relay 4 will turn on. You can connect lights to these relays to have a start/stop light for races.

Information about the DLP Designs DLP-IOR4 relay board and locations to purchase board from can be found here, www.dlpdesign.com/usb/ior4.shtml.