4.2. Race Profiles

Race profiles are a collection of the race settings other than the Race Name settings that are permanently saved to the database. This allows you to easily retrieve common settings for different race types used by your club. Race profiles are not required to be created but they are usual for switching between race types such as practice races versus mains, or endurance races versus lap races.

4.2.1. Create Race Profile

To create a new race profile just click the Create button under the Race Profiles heading. This will pop up a small window where you must enter a unique race profile name. When you click OK on the pop up window the program will create a new race profile using the settings that were defined under the Race Profiles section of the screen.

4.2.2. Delete Race Profile

Deleting a race profile is simple, just select the Race Profile in the pop up menu and click the Delete button.

WARNING: This operation is permanent, there is no undo.

4.2.3. Save Race Profile

After changing settings for a Race Profile you just click the Save button for them to be saved for later use. If you do not click the save button the settings will be used for those races but after the application is closed and opened again the unsaved settings will be lost.