2.5. Database Utilities

Many of the functions of the application are using a SQLite database to store relational information. Under this heading you will find utilities to modify some aspects of the database.

2.5.1. Edit Make/Models

When creating or editing racers you have the ability to select a Make and Model of the car they are driving. To add options to the Edit Racers screen for Makes and Models you need to use the Edit Make/Model utility. By clicking this button a small window will pop up allow you to create new Makes or add Models for a particular Make of a car. This information is then stored back in the database permanently.

2.5.2. Import/Export Racers

The Import/Export Racers buttons allow you to import or export the racer information from the Edit Racers screen. This does not include any race information, only information about that particular racer such as name, UID and other car details. Records with a duplicate UID will cause an error and not be imported.

This could be useful if you are traveling to another club, you can export the racer information from your computer and then send it to the other club director who then imports it. Then when your group arrives for racing all your cars are already entered into the program. Or if you want to start with a clean database but do not want to reenter all the racer information you can export the racer information download a new copy of the software and import your racer information.

2.5.3. Racer Inventory Report

The Racer Inventory Report button generates a report showing all the individual racer information. This report includes the club name and log at the top followed by a table of racer information. The report is automatically saved to a directory under the reports directory that is named Racer Inventory followed by the date and time. Within the Racer Inventory Report directory will be a HTML report along with the original XML data and a copy of the logo.